Check Out The Most Valuable Cars In The World

Windshield woes? For a cracked, chipped or otherwise destroyed windshield, your first call should be Mr. Auto Glass, Florida’s premier installation professionals. Straight from Shell’s V-Power event, check out the hottest rides to ever grace the road, in...

Overstuffed Minivan Goes Viral

A police stop in New Hampshire is going viral, thanks to an overstuffed minivan, which looks hilarious, but could have been quite a danger. “Although this many look funny, such practices are far from a joke. Anything that inevitably would have fallen off this...

What Does Takata’s Bankruptcy Mean For You?

Airbag maker Takata is running into more problems than just their airbag recall, as they have now filed for bankruptcy. So what do car owners need to know? “Takata airbags have been blamed in 11 driver and passenger deaths in the U.S. As the bags inflate...

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